Friday, October 29, 2004

My international business teacher wore a witch outfit to class today; complete with pointy hat and all.

It was interesting. Makes me feel like I'm in elementary again, when teachers still noted the holidays.

posted by Steph at 12:17 PM 1 comments

People who post their relationship issues or problems with other people on their blogs are idiots. Some things should remain private.

I mean, unless you're looking for pity, take care of your problems in person like an adult.

I understand venting about your day and all, but sheesh. Some people take it too far.

posted by Steph at 12:00 AM 1 comments

Thursday, October 28, 2004

OMG my little stinky cousin Angeline is so funny...

I come back home after a horrible 48 hours and see this in my IM window:

Acwgb: does absa stand for All Butts Smell Association??

Auto response from Demona848: absa.

Acwgb: or Alligator Butts Swim Always
Acwgb: or Always Bathe Sharks Association??
Acwgb: or Alphabet Bears Smell Atrocious
Acwgb: or Aquatic Bears Swim Always
Acwgb: or Absolutely Bottomless Soap Atrraction
Acwgb: or Animal Ballet Society Association
Acwgb: :-P

Hahahaha. She's 10 years old and even in her childish banter she uses words like aquatic and atrocious. All spelled correctly, too!

Maybe I should consider changing ABSA'a name. I like the Animal Ballet one.. it sounds very 'Fantasia'-ish.

What a funny kid.

posted by Steph at 7:18 PM 2 comments

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

And I thought I was a pessimistic cynic..

Peter's blog really bothered me. I never thought I would be one to defend the idealistic notion of 'Love', but something so fundamentally bitter about his post made me really stop and think about what my personal feelings on the subject matter was.

Do most people seriously believe there is no such thing?

posted by Steph at 3:30 PM 2 comments

Sunday, October 24, 2004

posted by Steph at 11:15 PM 0 comments

Friday, October 22, 2004

For those of you who thought I was crazy and overly opinionated ...

Read thiS.

posted by Steph at 1:05 PM 1 comments

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Here is a fun little interactive questionnaire that helps you learn more about each presidential candidate's views and see which one you side with more.

posted by Steph at 12:04 PM 1 comments

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

So I'm PMSing.

And to jump start my lazy stressed and depressed ass, I decide to go running.

Out of sincere concern for the well being of certain other lazy people, I decide to invite them along. This is the thanks I get:

ChikadeeT (10:31:37 PM):
ChikadeeT (10:28:03 PM): oh, amazing thing happened today... steph asked me to go running w/ her
Putrid Rat (10:30:07 PM): what!>??!?!
Putrid Rat (10:30:09 PM): are you seirous??
ChikadeeT (10:31:39 PM): haha

Putrid Rat (10:31:18 PM): you went running?
Putrid Rat (10:31:37 PM): cuz if you's totally uncharacteristic and i'm impressed
Demona848 (10:32:26 PM): i did!
Demona848 (10:32:30 PM): 3 miles!
Putrid Rat (10:32:54 PM): wow...
Putrid Rat (10:33:00 PM): taht's completely surprising..
Putrid Rat (10:33:02 PM): good job..
Demona848 (10:33:25 PM): i am so hurt by the lack of confidence you guys have in my will power and abilities
Putrid Rat (10:34:06 PM): LOL...
Putrid Rat (10:34:14 PM): well you have proved me wrong this day..
Putrid Rat (10:34:18 PM): may the trend continue...
Demona848 (10:34:36 PM): time will tell, chris. time will tell...
Putrid Rat (10:36:33 PM): of now i think it's a fluke
Putrid Rat (10:36:34 PM): hahaha



What ever would I do without the unfaltering support of those around me?

posted by Steph at 8:36 PM 2 comments

I need to clear my head.

I feel like things - school, meetings, people, absa, interviews, have just been building up for the longest time and there's never enough down time to sort things out. I can't get anything out, yet I feel like if I don't do something drastic to calm my nerves down, soon I won't be able to handle anything else at all.

Looking into the rest of the semester is just seems like and endless barrage of events and deadlines and tests and it just never stops.

Even when I take a couple hours to try to relax; I can't really because even while I'm trying to destress in the back of my mind I'm listing all the things I'm falling behind in while I'm just sitting there. This only leads to more stress.

Sometimes I get things pains in my chest just thinking about it. It's hard to breathe.

I don't know if I'm doing anything right.

posted by Steph at 2:01 PM 2 comments

Thursday, October 14, 2004

It is confirmed.

I am a cat person.

I always thought it was weird that cats would always come up to me, even strays and wild kitties. But today while taking out the trash, these two neighbors' cats werewalking around outside and kept following me. When I knelt down, the grey one came over kept rubbing itself on my hand and my leg.

The neighbors who owned them, this man and his 3 year old daughter, were outside moving stuff. He came over and said in the 6 years he owned the cats, Tennyson (isn't that cute), the grey one, nevER approached anyone. He hated people.

So that means I'm not really a person. I'm a cat person.

He (the cat, not the guy) followed me almost all the way to the dumpster and back. It was so cute. The guy was practically scratching his head in wonder while looking at us. This is not the first time its happened. I am catwoman! Now I want a kitty.

I need to sleep.

posted by Steph at 11:01 PM 2 comments

Tuesday, October 12, 2004


I get a free Glamour magazine in the mail, thanks to Jerry.

I look at the address label to see who it's addressed to, and I see 'Jerry is Just So Awesome.'

I open up the letter offering me a whole year of free Glamour if I buy the next year for 16 dollars, and it says, "Dear Jerry is Just So Awesome, don't miss out on our exciting offer!"

I could not stop laughing.

Today in finance the professor was teaching us the difference between operational expenditures and capital expenditures, and he explained that operational expenditures was like dating, while capital expenditures was like marriage.

"You better put a lot more thought into the capital expenditures, because it's a much bigger investment, long-term, and rarely reversible. You really don't want to be stuck with an asset you don't want for the rest of your life."


posted by Steph at 9:14 PM 1 comments

Friday, October 08, 2004

“The military’s job is to win the war. The president’s job is to win the peace.”

~Kerry at second presidential debate

Damn right, Kerry, Damn righT.

Another funny sidenote.

posted by Steph at 8:20 PM 0 comments

Saturday, October 02, 2004

I feel dumb.

I'm at my aunt's house in Houston, and sitting with my two 10 and 11 year old cousins.

They're playing trivia with each other; one picks a letter and asks questions and the other has to name something starting with that letter. Artists (Da Vinci), Extinct bird, (Dodo), etc. Their knowledge astounds me.

Now they're playing the state capital game. They know all of them. Then the older one facetiously says 'Puerto Rico.' The younger, Angeline, proceeds to argue that Puerto Rico is not a 'state'. Gloria, the older, argues that since the US owns it, it counts. Angeline responds, "Well, it's not a state, it's a US territorial commonwealth."

Earlier, Gloria's dad knocked on the door to ask her about some Chinese proverb, and Gloria recites the whole 8 verse saying. Then yells as her dad as he walks back down the stairs to remember not to confuse a particular character with another similar one.

Gloria just came up to me to ask me to listen to their 'Congo drums.' It consists of one of them lying down and the other beating on her stomach. Why can't they just call it drums like normal kids?

These kids are so friggin smart, yet I can make up all these silly games and have them giggling their heads off.

Now they're tickling each other and making upside down funny faces.

::shakes head::

I feel very affectionate yet inadequate the same time.

posted by Steph at 9:11 PM 2 comments

Friday, October 01, 2004

beyond meetings

What I love about ABSA is how every Thursday after our meeting we stay after just talking until I have to kick everyone out.

I love that last night when I had to study for tests and write my paper, I could go to the millenium lab at 12am and see 10 other ABSA-ers 'studying' in a corner, helping each other prepare and talking and joking at the same time.

I love how after our charity party tonight, we all looked after each other and made sure everyone got a ride, and IM-ed each other to make sure everyone got home safely.

I love how when the girls see each other getting hit on by some guy, we 'rescue' each other, and how the guys are always around to offer a shirt/jacket and ask the girls if they're doing alright. I would never party by myself, but something about being aroudn these people and my implicit trust in them makes these outings fun.

When I look back in college, these are the times I will remember. There is so much more to ABSA beyond the meetings.

posted by Steph at 1:04 AM 2 comments