yeah. my 2:00-3:30 class just ended at cool is that..
posted by Steph at 12:31 PM
i keep torturing myself by clicking the refresh button on the 'test results' page. i need to sleep. why am i doing this to myself? i dunno what the big deal is. i guess since i've always measured myself by numbers and scores, i can't help but reaLLy want 18 hours of As. so i can be satisfied with myself. how sick is that..yeah..grrr.. years and years of asian conditioning will to that to you...
posted by Steph at 9:38 PM
i don't know why i'm so sleepy... i even took a nap from 4-6 so i wouldn't fall asleep during the test, since i have a tendeny to do that. i remember in eco class last year when people would ask me "your head was down for half the test.. were you really asleep?" "um...yeah"
my calves and arms are really sore. and i have kb class again tomorrow.. i don't think i can do it... i need a massage...
posted by Steph at 7:49 PM
posted by Steph at 7:32 PM
Demona848 (8:03:28 PM): i'm hungry
Demona848 (8:03:29 PM): damn dobie
Demona848 (8:03:31 PM): closes at 7
SilverDragon129 (8:04:04 PM): want Ramen? You can come by to get some from me if you want
Demona848 (8:04:17 PM): but it's not healthy..
SilverDragon129 (8:04:38 PM): *Shrug* your health for convenience :-P
posted by Steph at 6:06 PM
just took the Chinese test....24 hours till grades are posted......
posted by Steph at 5:50 PM
i walk in and that john dude is watching tv. i asked if he was lacking a tv along with a microwave. and he was watching CNN! i couldn't help but laugh. he didn't get it. i mean, the guy doesn't party, eats healthy, and watches CNN... ha ha ha.
my world philosophy prof is great. he has this curly eccentric hair, a deep friendly voice, a casual presence, and made the class laugh every 10 minutes at least. and we're actually learning about the woRLD. remember how 10th grade 'world history' was actually European History?! ' hey... let's just skip these chapters on mexico and asia and india... they're not thAt important' geez. who would've thought there were philosophers outside of western civilizations? i'm not bitter... but heck.. it's about time. we're gonna be learning about daoism, confucianism, islam, etc. i'm glad college is a lot more worldly. i look forward to this class.
posted by Steph at 1:14 PM
first class 11-12... MIS .. computers and programs and stuff. bleh. i guess it's necessary. 12-1 microeconomics. let out 30 min early. the teacher had just got his PhD last week, so he's new like us. college will take a while to get used to. the professor seems so much younger, wants us to use his first name, doesn't really care if you show up or not, althought it's recommended... and i ate a sandwich during and he said the class wasn't really 'hard as hell', which was interesting cause they're so uptight in high school about eating and cussing. both of which i like to do. just kidding. anyways, this will be an interesting semester....
posted by Steph at 10:50 AM
itschew2you (11:56:10 PM): me harrison and cindy went and saw a shaolin video of a guy being punched in the groin and they thought that it reminded them of you
Demona848 (11:56:30 PM): thanks.....
posted by Steph at 10:06 PM
went to kickboxing class today...then the elevator was down so i had to walk up the 9 flights... and it's usually tolerable... but i was sO tired... the class consisted of about 15 minutes of aerobic like exercises with punching and kicking moves in it; then we practiced hooks and jabs and crosses (dfferent kinds of punches) and kicks. man did i sweat a lot. it was a heck of a work out...the room was really hot and there were 20 other people crammed into the room..... but i really like it. i need the exercise. plus it'll help me defend myself. the instructor was also great and made it fun. his assistant was this really cut girl and she looked like avril lavigne.
brandy's been trying to get shanna to go to this class, and shanna got me to go so she wouldn't be the only new person. i don't blame her. brandy thinks we're pessimisstic business people who don't wanna go by ourselves because we don't wanna seem weak. well duH. i sure as heck don't.
brandy bought us hand wraps, and twining the black cloths around my hand was kinda cool; makes me feel all professional. heh heh. we're supposed to go twice a week, i hope i can make it... there might be some meetings on thursday, so we'll see. it's a really good deal, too. you buy a card for 100 dollars with 20 boxes where you get a stamp each time you go. So it's basically 5 dollars for an hour. man. i really enjoyed it. and i'm pretty outta shape too....
bought some posters for the living room area; it really was kinda plan and drabby, so i figured we needed to add color somehow. i'm impatient, so even though i need to take a shower and figure out where my classes are tomorrow and sleep, i'm gonna go hang them up first.
i'm gonna be so sore tomorrow.......
posted by Steph at 8:18 PM
that guy john is here again. sister agent in the fbi, brother and dad are morticians... convenient, eh? he came over cause he was bored. his roomate is at a frat party and when i asked why he wasn't partying, he said he's not a party person. 'drinking is bad' and he eats healthy... how weird is that. there's so many interesting people here.
posted by Steph at 10:41 PM
someone just knocked at the door while i was studying. it was our neighbour, (john, i think is his name?). he had come by earlier to microwave barbeque chicken or something. he said he was bored and was just wondering what we were doing. i told him everyone was out and i was studying chinese. he said he was thinking about taking chinese but is taking persian instead. i told him chinese would get him a lot more girls. "ahhh.....". yeah. i asked him when he was ever gonna speak persian. so he went back to his room to contemplate taking chinese. heh heh.
posted by Steph at 9:21 PM
Got all books for classes. I was lucky; all my books are really light and relatively cheap; I spent around 250 for all used books. The average is around 450, i think. Got my new UT id. ate beef noodle soup at a thai restaurant. the soup was realllly good. i saved the leftovers. boy does college make you conserve food... all leftovers are potential meals. i have to start studying for chinese now. i'm taking the chinese test thing on wednesday. if i do well enough, i could get 18 hours of As. ugh...12 years of chinese school all boils down to this one test. 12 years of quizzes, essays, tests, homework packets, midterms and finals aLL comes down to the two hours of test time on wednesday... but, nooo, i'm not nervous. the fact that i only have one shot at this thing and my mom will kill me if i don't do well not to mention i will be highly disappointed in myself doesn't faze me at all.
i really should study.
hey look! there's people online! i can chat! i can visit people. people can visit me!
hm.... decisions decisions..
argh. well. my suitemates are out. my roomate is out. it's a quiet, studying enviroment.... bleh. i guess i'll study after all. mommy, daddy, aren't you prouD of me?!
posted by Steph at 8:24 PM
I had a dream last night that I wanted to be a doctor. My grandma was really sick, and I kept asking someone all these different medical question on why she was sick, and they couldn't tell me everything because I had so much to ask. Then I had this really strong urge to becomea doctor and cure people. Huh. I dunno what that means....
sigh. I dunno. I know I'd be good at business and all, but am I really gonna benefit society? All these little things are making me... hesitant. For orientation, the Business School had little cheers. Our were: "Who are we? ... Business!... What do we do? .... Make money!" "Business pays" and "Business Business, Bling Bling!". I mean, I couldn't help but feel a liTTle heartless after that. and then christy was talking this morning about how even used books are so expensive, and how there used to be 3 campus bookstores, but the main one drove the other two outta business. I told her how sucky and greedy that was. Then we both shurgger and aggred reluctantly, "that's business, I guess." I mean, how many times have people said that? Do I really wanna do that? bleh. i'm all depressed now. I mean, i went into this major because this really is something I know I could be good at. I dunno.
posted by Steph at 7:06 AM
i used to have a hotmail folder labeled 'family', where i would put e-mails of aunts, uncles, cousins, etc in. but now that i'm recieving e-mail from my immediate family, i realized that they're the 'family' and i have made a new folder labeled 'relatives'. T_T i'm a bit homesick. i mean, the more i look around my room the more i like it.
lbanez RG3120 (12:36:23 AM): so even if we walk to meet you
lbanez RG3120 (12:36:24 AM): you wont hang out w/ us
Demona848 (12:36:33 AM): but i don't wanna go outside
Demona848 (12:36:34 AM): ha ha ha
Demona848 (12:36:38 AM): nothing personal
lbanez RG3120 (12:36:42 AM): fine
Demona848 (12:36:43 AM): i did this to someone else too
lbanez RG3120 (12:36:44 AM): ms. no fun
Demona848 (12:36:50 AM): i'm a lazy, hygenic person
Demona848 (12:36:53 AM): i am, huh?
lbanez RG3120 (12:36:55 AM): then that person has also met Ms. No FUn
Demona848 (12:36:59 AM): ha ha ha ha
Demona848 (12:37:03 AM): man. what a crappy title
Demona848 (12:37:09 AM): i am fun during the day!
lbanez RG3120 (12:37:12 AM): what are you talkin about, you have bad hygeine
Demona848 (12:37:12 AM): and when i don't have to walk
Demona848 (12:37:27 AM): the sole reason i won't go outside is cause i've taken a shower
lbanez RG3120 (12:37:28 AM): you have obsessive compulsive disorder
lbanez RG3120 (12:37:33 AM): take another
lbanez RG3120 (12:37:37 AM): are you that stinky
Demona848 (12:37:40 AM): actually. i might. i'm pretty anal about stuff
Demona848 (12:37:48 AM): and i wash my hair again in the morning
Demona848 (12:37:53 AM): and i don't like people sitting on my bed
Demona848 (12:37:55 AM): cause they're dirty
lbanez RG3120 (12:37:56 AM): like i said, obsessive compulsive
Demona848 (12:38:00 AM): and everything is antibacterial
Demona848 (12:38:09 AM): my soap, dish washer detergent, lotion
lbanez RG3120 (12:38:10 AM): thats how you ruin your immune system
Demona848 (12:38:14 AM): i know...
Demona848 (12:38:16 AM): oh well
lbanez RG3120 (12:38:19 AM): well can we come over
Demona848 (12:38:29 AM): oh. and anti bacterial clorox sheets i can clean my room with!
Demona848 (12:38:33 AM): and they smell great too
lbanez RG3120 (12:38:38 AM): goddamn
lbanez RG3120 (12:38:41 AM): you're a nut
Demona848 (12:38:43 AM): ha ha ha ha
Demona848 (12:38:43 AM): i am
lbanez RG3120 (12:38:43 AM): you'd die in jester
lbanez RG3120 (12:38:52 AM): so what if we come over there
lbanez RG3120 (12:38:59 AM): will our germs contaminate the room
lbanez RG3120 (12:39:14 AM): will we have to be quarantined prior coming in
Demona848 (12:39:21 AM): ha ha ha
lbanez RG3120 (12:39:31 AM): gosh young lady, your health is waning
lbanez RG3120 (12:39:34 AM): you'd better sleep
lbanez RG3120 (12:39:35 AM): you health nut
lbanez RG3120 (12:39:41 AM): do you eat soy nuts
Demona848 (12:39:43 AM): yaya
lbanez RG3120 (12:39:44 AM): did you eat your soy nuts today
Demona848 (12:39:47 AM): *yAY
lbanez RG3120 (12:39:50 AM): and take your flintstones vitamins
Demona848 (12:39:54 AM): come on over
Demona848 (12:39:57 AM): i used to take those!
lbanez RG3120 (12:40:00 AM): i know
lbanez RG3120 (12:40:10 AM): i remember your grandma would give them to you at the bus stop
lbanez RG3120 (12:40:12 AM): in the morning
lbanez RG3120 (12:40:16 AM): and pathik would push you off the bus
Demona848 (12:40:19 AM): really?
lbanez RG3120 (12:40:21 AM): he was really trying to steal your vitamins
lbanez RG3120 (12:40:30 AM): cause he wanted to be strong like fred flintstone
Demona848 (12:40:30 AM): boy...
Demona848 (12:40:33 AM): you guys were mean to me
lbanez RG3120 (12:40:39 AM): well duh
lbanez RG3120 (12:40:41 AM): you were mean to me too!
Demona848 (12:40:47 AM): what?!
Demona848 (12:40:48 AM): i was nOT
lbanez RG3120 (12:41:04 AM): mannn
lbanez RG3120 (12:41:08 AM): you sprayed me w/ your super soaker
lbanez RG3120 (12:41:13 AM): and you cheated at pool
lbanez RG3120 (12:41:21 AM): and you smashed a slime filled egg on christine!!
Demona848 (12:41:28 AM): i DID?!
Demona848 (12:41:29 AM): damn
lbanez RG3120 (12:41:46 AM): all that anti bacterial soap is rotting your brain
lbanez RG3120 (12:41:49 AM): and you're forgetting stuff
kendall hong and christine lam... friends from second grade to 6th, when i moved. not they're at UT. weird, uh? heh heh. it's like old times......
posted by Steph at 10:43 PM
yum yum yum. my mom brought me food. a container of noodles. apples. cookies. it feels good to start hoarding again....those of you who know me knows i like to always have food with me. lunchtime for me started when the first bell rang and ended when i got home and ate my afternoon snack. in high school, remember? i always had a j crew, banana republic, etc small bag full of food that i carried around all day. 'you're eating agAIN?' yeah. you know, the funny thing was i never got caught. but i think that my teachers really did see me eating, and were gonna reprimand me, but instead looked at me again and decided that they didn't want to deal with the guilt from stopping the little anorexic girl from eating. ha ha ha. anyways. i'm in a good mood. i have food.
people are always surprised that i loVe eating so much. first of all, my metabolism is crazy. christy was so surprised when she saw my hands shaking this evening cause i was hungry. i wolfed down two bowls of noodles, and just half an hour ago i had half of her quizno's sandwich. (and i'm hungry again..but i felt bad eating the whoLe sandwich..). david told me i had tapeworms once. it scared me for half a second and i was gonna smack him (wait.... i did...hehe. nevermind), but then i decided that i like eating anyways, so they could stay in me, and that way i'd be able to eat more different things! so my tapeworms and i are both happy, thank you very much.
posted by Steph at 9:37 PM
Went to 'breakfast' this morning at 1pm. Jerry took me to Einstein Bros and I was gonna spend a dollar for a simple bagel, instead blew 8 bucks on a toasted honey almond bagel with cream cheese, sweet onions, and smoked saLmon...and green tea with ginseng and fruit juice. man. i alwAYs make myself hungry..... well, i'm rationalizing the meal by saying that once my dobie meal plan starts on wednesday, i won't need to go everywhere else for food. man. that bagel was good.
posted by Steph at 5:18 PM
oh. and my room number is 911. Nine Eleven, Nine One Ene. Either way, it's a sucky, cursED room number. geez....... at least no one will forget it.....
yay. someone's calling. i have a visitor! after walking all morning I figured I'll just stay in my dorm except for classes and beg people to visit me. working so far...
posted by Steph at 1:59 PM
Yeah. I can tell already I will be more fit just beINg in Austin. There are 27 floors on Dobie, apprx 40 people on each floor, and THREE FRIGGIN' elevators. I'm on the 9th floor; not too bad, but just enough to get your heart pumping. I've already gone up and down 4 times today, and we helped Jonathan move into Moore Hill; 3rd floor, nO elevator; so carried a few things up and down. At least Dobie's staircases are somewhat ventilated. The only solace I have in taking the stairs here is that I don't have to wait 20 minutes for elevators and I might have some defined calves by the end of the year. whoo. hoo.
I spent the past few hours with David, Jonathan, and Danny, and as much as you guys know I love you, daMN are they the epitome of engineer nerds. I mean, our lunch conversation consisted of computers, math, and science. Here I am, using mY computer for instant messaging, e-mail and blogs, and not taking a single math or science course, and that's all they talk about. But no, I'm not bitter. I don't feel left out. So now I'm back in my dorm room again. Where the hell are the normal people to hang out with?!
posted by Steph at 1:54 PM
Went to Miyako's this evening for a little 'last meal' before I leave. And I know you really care, so I'll tell you what I had: Edamame (peas), Sashimi (raw) salmon and tuna, Baked mussels, Tempura (fried shrimp and sweet potatoes), caterpillar roll (sushi wrapped in avacado), Sumo Maki (sushi w/ sashimi, cream cheese, avacado, cucumber, caviar), Chin of fish (very tender), marinated tofu and a pina colada. man. i am so hungry now.
Yeah. Well, everything is packed now, except my bathroom stuff and alarm clock I'll pack in the morning. How weird is that. I'm going to Austin tomorrow at 4 am. The problem is, I went to sleeP last night at 3:30 am. And woke up today at 2 pm. (I dozed off around 3 while reading during the very cool thunderstorm today... woke up around 4 pm... yeah... i'm a pig... i know). So I dunno how I'm gonna sleep tonight. My computer is packed, along with the rest of my life into 6 boxes my dad uses to file his business papers.
I'm at my sister's computer, and that David Tao song Liu Sha is playing. 'Love is like the flowing sand'. Yeah. I'm getting depressed. All my previous heart-lifting anxiety that I had about getting the hell outta here is slowly being drained out of me and being replaced by the proverbial leaden weights of nostalgia and pre-mature homesickness. I brought a small stack of family album pictures for the heck of it. I brought a small stuffed rabbit I got on my first Christmas that plays a tinkling melody when a key is turned in the back. I brought a few random, purely ornament trinkets to make the dorm less dorm-like. And there will be a pretty, silver picture frame of my sister and I when we were kids on my desk at Austin.
Ah. Those ephemeral, carefree years of innocence.
Childhood is over.
T_T I feel sad now.
posted by Steph at 9:03 PM
jerryWhOo (12:33:25 AM): well i knoe wat ur talking about when talk about ur sheets
jerryWhOo (12:34:01 AM): egyptian sateen sheets is the next best thing to silk and satin :-D
Demona848 (12:34:14 AM): yaY!
posted by Steph at 10:35 PM
My mom and I spent an hour and a half at Linens and Things today. Who knew there was still so much stuff to buy........
ooOOH! I just bought these great sheets for my stupiD x-long twin bed. They're green-tea-green (I know Christine approves) and my mom said she bought me a silk comforter in china where it's cheap, so we bought a matching duvet (it goes around comforters/down blankets to keep them clean) that is Egyptian cotton/sateen. It has a 300 thread count! and feels sooooo soft. Yeah. No one probably cares or knows what I'm talking about and probably thinks I'm a weirdo to be babbling about my bedsheets. But oh well. I like them.
Then we ate at La Madeleine's cause I figure I need to eat good food while I can. We shared half an herb-roasted rotisserie chicken, caesar salad, tomato basil soup, multigrain bread straight from a brick oven that was just the right amount of crunchness on the outside and soft and warm on the inside, and mango lemon tea. We then went to the bakery and bought:
Sacher Torte (Rich and moist chocolate cake), Cheesecake with strawberries, Tiramisu (layers of soft cake with some mocha flavoring and a little bit of rum), triple chocolate mousse cake, and Napolean (alternating layers of flaky pastry, lightly sweet cream and strawberries with a coat of glazed sugar over it and topped with sliced almonds).
Yeah. I'll be eating all day tomorrow.
posted by Steph at 10:00 PM
*Christine's profile*
super group is all in austin now.
everyone except me.
*starts sucking on another spoonful of pb*
bu yiao zho
AWwwwwwwww.... that's so sad! And here I was, excitedly planning with those going up to Austin this weekend when we're gonna meet, what we're gonna do, I forget how sucky it must be to be left behind... You can always write! I shall post my adress as soon as i get it... I'll miss all of you guys not up at Austin with us! And hopefully, in a few years, you guys can all join us. UT is a great school. really. *smiles*
posted by Steph at 9:47 PM
Today, Eric, Rebecca, Daniel and I decided to visit Stephen F. Austin, the ‘educational’ hell hole were I spend the last four years of my adolescent life (I’m an ADULT now!) YAY! ha ha ha ha… ha.... Ha ha.... ::slowly glances around::... ahem.... ANyways… on the way there we realize Rebecca’s shorts are… well, a little out of dress code. She comtemplates staying in the car, but Eric and I urge her to go in anyways, saying we’ll cover her.
We meet Jessica and Christine and go outside to the outdoor pavilion thingie where students eat sometimes. On the way over to a table, Rebecca’s length impaired choice of trousers are spotted. And by none other than the head of the school’s ROTC, Commander what’s-his-name.
And so the drama unfolds…..(dum dum dum….)
Rebecca: *mutter* … shit ….*mutter* … he saw me… shit! he’s coming over!
I stifle an extremely strong urge to burst out laughing and nonchalantly start to read a Pride and Prejudice sequel Jessica lent me. ( I know I still look like a high school student...)
Commander: Young lady, you know why I’m over here … blah blah…. Shorts too short....blah blah blah..…
Rebecca: I know… ::lies:: I woke up late this morning and these were the only pants I could find!
Commander: Still… blah blah…. Too short… blah.
Rebecca: ::lies again:: I have jeans I can change into!
Me: ::thinking:: ‘What the hell is she talking about?! No she doesn’t!’
Commander: I think you should go with me to the AP’s office…
Me: ::smiles:: um… she doesn’t go here… she’s kinda just visiting…… ...
Commander: We have rules about that… blah blah… not supposed to…. Blah blah…
....turns to rebecca How did you get here?
Rebecca: um….
Eric: She was dropped off.
Me: She’ll be gone after lunch.
Daniel appears at the scene, with Christine, and STUPIDLY carrying car keys and a cell phone in his bare hands. PHONE RINGS. I smack him under the table… but it’s too late! Commander what’s-his-name’s attention is diverted! …. For now…..
Commander: Is that a cell phone?
Daniel: ::smiles:: heh...
Commander: You don’t go here, do you?
Rebecca: ::half heartedly smiles:: he’s the guy that dropped me off…...?
Commander lectures about visitors... trespassing... blah blah blah...get arrested...blah blah. Meanwhile some random guy appears next to the coke machine..
Random Guy: commander, do you have 20 bucks?
Commader: what do I look like, a Christmas tree?
(I thought it was funny…)
Commander: I think I should take you both to see the AP
I start panicking. What the heck are eric and I gonna do? Daniel then has the gall to ask the commander for a few more minutes with jess and Christine. When we’re done, we all walk to the commander. Eric suggests to him that we could walk around campus to the parking lot, to avoid the pack of useless Aps in the cafeteria.
Commander: You can’t. ::points to roof:: There’s cameras everywhere.
(Before we had gone into the school, Eric had pointed out a trash can outside that had the initials of our school district, Fort Bend, emblazoned on it. He called it FBI school district because it said F.B.I.S.D. He now chuckles at the mention of cameras everywhere.)
ANyways, we follow the Commander outside… and So begins what Rebecca calls ‘The Walk of Shame’…………….
We are escorted through the cafeteria with our heads bowed down…
The cacophony of adolescent voices and movements
Drowned out by the blood pounding in our ears….
Our cheeks inflamed, our gaits sluggish, and our spirits rendered meek from embarrassment……
That journey from the outdoor patio to the student parking lot was the longest trek I’ve ever made…
Just kidding! It really was kinda funny. We laughed about it in the car for the next 10 minutes. So we were kicked off campus. We got to visit, say goodbye, and have an incredibly amusing morning. Daniel declared the 40 minute drive to Sugar Land well worth it.
I agree whole-heartedly.
posted by Steph at 9:38 PM
Pope Devin (1:20:27 AM): Pope Devin (1:18:26 AM): whatcha upto chica?
Demona848 (1:18:31 AM): calligraphy
Pope Devin (1:19:36 AM): you frighten me....
Pope Devin (1:19:39 AM): often...
Pope Devin (1:19:47 AM): and on many levels...
Demona848 (1:19:49 AM): ^_^
posted by Steph at 11:21 PM
you're parents were lucky with you. you're sweet.
innocent. helpful. and cute.
what kind of child were you?
(brought you by april)
really. i was. but noT anymore! ^_^
posted by Steph at 10:47 PM
posted by Steph at 10:23 PM
posted by Steph at 9:51 PM
posted by Steph at 9:37 PM
posted by Steph at 9:15 PM
 | Tenderheart Bear You are thinker, organizer, peacekeeper, and leader all in one. You have a power to command attention and people listen to you. However, you are often so concerned about not hurting others' feelings that you don't tell them what they need to hear and this gets you both into trouble. But you always have loyal friends to help you out. |
another one.... need more.... must have more quizzes.....
posted by Steph at 9:01 PM
posted by Steph at 12:23 AM
posted by Steph at 12:17 AM
Haven't been doing this blog thing. I can't seem to get used to it. I type a separate journal on my comp sometimes, but most of the time it all seems too personal to publish on the web. Besides. I still don't get the point of the blog. Except the cool personality things I like to put up, (if you know of more, send me more quizzes!) why would I type up how I'm feeling so everyone can read it? I mean, if I feel like talking about something, I'll talk to someone personally about it. Bleh.
Things have been frantic lately. Buying and trying to pack college stuff, getting last minute errand things done, seeing people before I leave, cleaning. Too much stuff to do, too little time. Geez it must sUCK to have school started already. I feel bad for you high school people. I know I hated college people last year. heh.
My sleeping schedule has been horrible lately. I keep going to bed later and later and waking up later and later. I keep setting my alarm so I'll start waking up like a normal person, but for some reason I sleep past it. Or I turn it off and go back to sleep... i think.... Anyways, today I woke up at TWO FREAKING THIRTY and I cussed at myself drowsily when I realized what time it was because it's reALLY bad when you start waking up when high school is getting out. Bleh. Will wake up earlier tomorrow. But it's 2 am now and I'm still not asleep and ranting and this is getting really boring and I wonder who the heck reads these things anyways. G'night.
posted by Steph at 11:56 PM
posted by Steph at 11:47 PM
Yeah. How big of a loser am I. I just went through Jeff, Sam, Eric, Christine and my pictures from camp. David Tao - Blue Moon, I Love You, Liu Sha. Man I miss the kids.
posted by Steph at 1:18 PM
Fart on christine for getting me started on this thing. Now i feel obligated to type down what i think. Anyways, Another cyc night. People left half an hour ago. Every talk we have seems to get better. As gushy as it is, I like the bonding. It used to be you couldn't talk to people more than a month after cyc cause there was nothing to talk about anymore, but this year was different. We didn't just talk about camp, but about issues. Like family, siblings, genetics and how we have characteristics like our parents. We each expressed what qualities we wanted in a significant other and I think we each felt more open talking about this stuff to each other than even our other friends. What does that mean?
posted by Steph at 12:33 AM
posted by Steph at 2:41 PM
i woke up at 2:30 pm yesterday. and slept at 4:30 am today. then woke up at 10 am again. yeah. i'm messed up.
just when i think i'm dorky because i wanna hang out with cyc people again, everyone goes 'yay' when we make plans for today. it's nice to know you guys are as weird as i am. I LOVE YOU ALL!
yet i wonder how long this can last.
oh well.
i slept for 2 hours friday and 13 hours the night before.... I miss camp and the people!! i should be doing my laundry today, but i have chosen to hang out with cyc people instead.
and we're doing it again tomorrow.
posted by Steph at 1:30 PM