Jeff's Blog:
11:30 AM
-Arrive at Steph's house for some lunch and catching
up. WE had fun talks about life and growing up...and we
formulated some theories.
The theory of the College Primes
Males and females in college have different prime times
in selecting bf/gf/mates...
This is based off the observation that most couples consist
of an older guy and a younger girl...possibly due to the fact
taht women mature faster then men?
A female's prime comes during her freshman and sophmore years
because she can select from boys her own age and the junior and
senior classes. Freshman would probaly not want to go with a big
senior guy, so that is why a sophmore year
is probably the prime year. AS she ages into a junior and senior,
pickings become slim as men become taken and leave
college. This will possibly leave many lonely girls. How sad.
A male's prime however, is a growing cornucopia of women.
The cycle begins with the freshman year in which you can only
concern yourself with only girls you age...and they are being enticed
by the older men. You're basically a scrub.
Do not fret though! Next year your choices DOUBLE...and then TRIPLE...
until senior year you are a big baller and have your choice
from 4x the women you began with.
MEn...just wait your prime will come.
Women...strike while in your prime...and if you got
it...flaunt it...you'll be out of hte prime before you know it.
all this is is.....a form of social darwinism.
The theory of post relationship opposites
This theory concerns itself with what one might call
"the next one"...the next g/f or the next b/f...
Me and Steph have just observed in passing of
the latest spree of college break up and
hook ups, tha pattern shows this.
The people either pick
a) a person exactly like the person they lost
b) a person exactly opposite the person
Choice a is kinda like freaky style...because its obvious
to the world that they are just trying to
replace them...weird style
Choice b is what we have been observing and
they are just trying the completely different...
we've seen it in a lot of people
and it kinda makes sense to us.
We also proceeded to make elitest jokes
and waddle in our own arrogence...
OneOfUs: It seems that [some] people...like are missing something?
TheOther: Oh yeah, it's intelligence
Ah...elitism...it's really bad. "
The conversation ran deeper than that; but that was a pretty good summary.
Good job, Jeff, for exposing to the world our true self-important natures.
May there be many more pompously presumptuous conversations between us!