First of all, I would like to say the following rant contains purely
my opinions, albeit backed up with facts (that are in the forms of links... click on the bold and intalic words). Do noT be offended, I really don't think anyone is alL bad, just pointing out the aspects that piss me off, k?
Second, do noT assume I'm some unpatriotic, insensitive bitch. I feel sorrow for the losses caused by last year's Sept 11 as much as anyone, but the compassion I feel is as a
human being, not as a flaming, preaching, ranting-against-the-world proud-to-be-an-american let's-bomb-the-'evil'-people zealot.
Don't get me wrong, I like America. I am proud to be an American for the
freedom it has to offer, etc. I just feel that anger and defiance, while good to some extent in boosting the country's morale, should be separated from the sympathy we feel for those who have lost loved ones. Having said that, I'd like to get back to the issue.
George W. Bush is an idiot.
(If you like him, I highly recommend you leave now ... )
He is the perfect representation of the worst aspects of America; a ridiculous mixture of ignorance and arrogance.
In a speech to a B’nai B’rith convention, Bush said,
“Our nation is chosen by God and commissioned by history to be a model to the world of justice and inclusion and diversity without division."
Gee, we might as well go on a Crusade and slaugther those who don't follow the the righteous path of the followers of God.
"commissioned by history". psh.
His implication that winning wars and being wealthy as automatically proving America was 'chosen by God' is like saying the bully rich from the lunch money wrenched from smaller, weaker children makes him king of the playground. screw that.
And I personally do
not like the way Bush assumes faith in God and patriotism go hand in hand.
I have no particular faith that I suscribe to at the moment. I admire the ethics of Buddhism, am learning and greatly respecting Hinduism in my World Philosophy class, been to Morman, Baptist and Catholic churches in which I must give kudos to the way the people all strived to simply do what's good, but will probably never really believe in just one religion. I just follow to good aspects of the different ones.
So it disturbs me that somehow I am made to feel unpatriotic because I don't feel comfortable saying 'God bless America' even though BusH assumes that "Only faith and God can overcome social ills".
Hey Mr. President, too bad separation of Church and State happened a long time go. Keep the Americans strong together as a country, as a people, but don't prevent the diverse cultures and religions that makes the country what it is from participating in the wave of patriotism by pushing youR ideals. That's not part of your job. If I wanted preaching about what
one man assumes God wants, I'd go to a preacher.
"My budget nearly doubles funding for a sustained strategy of homeland security"
Strongly Favors: Largest increase in defense $ in two decades: never too high
Strongly Favors: $1B more for salary; $20B more for R&D for new weapons
Favors: $1B more in personnel raises; more for housing too
Favors: Increase military salaries & weapons spending
I personally, am against spending all this money on military when America's education (especially
Texas) is so pathetic. Soon we'll have a massive, invincible army (whoo hoo) protecting a country of idiots. yeah. thAt's totally how I want mY future tax dollars to be spent!
But Bush seems to
recognize this too, admitting that "less than a third of the nation's 4th grade students are proficient at reading."
The problem is, why is he spending billions on defense then? And all the while
denouncing every other country on the planet for "developing weapons of mass destruction"
Hypocrite. Of course, every country wants to be the only one with the big guns. But come on....
Today in a speech to the UN, Bush demanded that Iraq comply with all U.N. resolutions just like America always does in it's
"Disregard of its treaty obligations"
Breaching of "its obligations under the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations" of the United Nations. Like Bush is doing now, the US went to the United Nations' International Court of Justice, asked for its judgement, then disregarded it and executed the two brothers anyways when given an decision unfavorable to its own interests and pride.
C) Then there's my favorite example of Bush's unflagging loyalty and support of the United Nations:
" In Kyoto, December 1997 the UN brokered the world's first treaty to tackle global warming. Signatories pledged to cut their greenhouse gas emissions in the next decade by just over five per cent from 1990 levels.
But the USA has dragged its feet on implementing the Kyoto protocol and in March 2001, the new president, George W Bush abandoned the Kyoto treaty altogether, saying it is against
his country's economic interests.
The United States has five per cent of the world's population but is responsible for a quarter of the world's carbon dioxide emissions."
source )
This to me just tells me that Bush will blatantly disregard protocols the US had already signed and agreed to that are for the good of the
rest of the world (gasp! imagine that!) at the drop of a hat just because it doesn't benefit our great country, but when another country pisses him off, he wants the United Nations to do something about it and "live up to its responsibility."
bull. shit.
'In its Unilateralist Disregard, US is the Real 'Rogue State'
Yes, yes, all countries have their crap sides, and hypocrisy, etc, etc, but my point is none of them are so arrogant and righteous about it as Bush is goading our country to be. I mean, the whole 'China and crappy human rights' is true, but we're always looking at the faults of other countries when we should be
bettering ourselves.
To end my highly opinionated little story, i'd like to end with an excerpt of wonderfully cute little song I think sums up too many (ignorant, trigger-happy) American's views on this whole terrorist thing.
"Now this nation that I love has fallen under attack.
A mighty sucker punch came flying in from somewhere in the back.
Soon as we could see clearly through our big black eye,
Man we lit up your world like the Fourth of July.
Hey Uncle Sam put your name at the top of his list,
And the Statue of Liberty started shaking her fist.
And the eagle will fly,
And there's gonna be Hell,
When you hear Mother Freedom start ringing her bell!
It's gonna feel like the
whole wide world is raining down on you...
Brought to you courtesy of the Red, White and Blue!
Oh, Justice will be served and the battle will rage.
This big dog will fight when you rattle his cage
You'll be sorry that you messed with the US of A
'Cuz we'll put a boot in your ass
It's the American way."
toby keith
Automatically we resort to violence. We associate the "red white and blue" as "the whole wide world". And the last stanza is just ridiculous.
blah blah, yes i know, it's just a song, maybe just to make you feel patriotic, and it's not like i'm saying this guy shouldn't sing; since this is America and all, but i mean, come on. Not really the best way to address the issue, is it?
well, you know i'll be voting the next presidential election.
(you can get voter registration forms when you renew your liscense! i encourage it)
down with Bush and his conservative, narrow-minded, hypocritical, stupidity.