Got home on Wednesday. Ate CHINESE food in CHINAtown. ahhh....It was good.
Got a haircut. Was told I looked 5 now, instead of 12. argh...Oh well.
Looked at houses. (huge, pretty, suburban ones). Went to Galleria. Ate at Chili's there, thinking the mall would close around 9. Finished dinner at 7:20. Realized mall closed at 7. Got pissed. Ate really good italian gelato (ice cream - I got Bacio - a light chocolate hazelnut with macadamia nuts in it on homemade waffle cone). Watched 2nd Harry Potter. (I jumped a lot - it was pretty freaky for a kids' movie...) Slept late.
Woke early Thursday. George R. Brown convention center - thanksgiving volunteering. At first, not enough stuff to do, so talked to some really interesting people (who were there for the free meal). This old guy who came to america from austria when he was 18 gave me all this advice about my business major and this one guy wore this really cool leather outlaw-looking hat that was as old as I was. Some guy who went to college on a football scholarship, studied so hard, but now has a hard time finding a job because he went to jail once for embezzlement. (He recommended we not do that). He was a good guy though, and works his a$$ off now to make up for what he did. Sent two kids to college already.
It was so damn interesting. You can learn so much from anyone. Then we sorted bags of food that was handed out and filled bags with rice. I hadn't eaten much, so after 5 hours I was so damn hungry.
I am really really full now. I ate too much.
I stepped on the scale.
I don't know whether to be kinda relieved I'm normal again, or to puke up my Thanksgiving feast...
But unfortunately, I promised too many people not to do that again, I so guess I'll keep it in. I just won't eat tomorrow.
haha. just kidding. I'm not bulimic. or anorexic..
I promise!
posted by Steph at 10:46 PM
posted by Steph at 7:05 PM
posted by Steph at 7:03 PM
Christine just went home, and Christy went to class.
Like Christy said, It's the first time I've been alone in my dorm for a long time.
I've always seeked out things to do and other people, but this is kinda nice. Quiet.
Apparently I'm 32% pick-up-able:
"You're cold and unapproachable, like a big glacier that's unapproachable. And cold. Unlike the Arctic tundra, few even venture to plant their flag in you. You're definitely not a Scorpio, unless you were born between October 23 and November 21. The bad news is that you'll end up miserable and alone, probably knitting doilies out of cat hair. The good news is that this is apparently what you want. Honestly, I don't even feel comfortable talking to you right now, so I'm just gonna go… yeah… wash my friend's hair. "
heh. Anyways, I'm going to watch a movie and eat fattening snacks now.
I wish I HAD MY honey roasted peanuts.
I leave tomorrow at 10 am.
posted by Steph at 2:29 PM
Don't you ever wish there was just one person in your life that would remain constant?
I mean, you have many different types of friends; friends you complain to about school, or family, girls to gossip about relationships, friends to talk about the deeper philosophical stuff, etc, etc. boyfriends come and go, family is good for backing you up, but no one person contains all the elements: constant loyalty - sincere caring - and understanding of how you feel.
sometimes it seems you're stuck in the middle of a whirlwind, and everything's going on around you, and you just want a fucking anchor to keep you sane.
I guess everyone wants that. One person to understand. Everytime you think you find one, they go away. Else they don't understand, but are willing to listen. That's nice, but sometimes that's not enough.
I've never been able to be totally honest with anyone. jenn and zara, remember how you guys would say how you stopped telling me things in high school because I would listen and give advice, but I never revealed anything?
I don't know why. I just don't.
When you need it most, and are feeling the most lost (but try not to show it, of course), the people you thought were the closest to you just don't understand or desert you.
Yeah, I seem happy and aggressive and content most of the time. And maybe I'm PMS-y, but I feel like I've suddenly been hit with that whirlwind and don't have anything to hold on to.
I don't like burdening people. One of the reasons I just don't spill all. I go insane just analyzing it myself, how can I impede on someone else?
You say, yeah, blah blah. I'm there for you.
You're not really. Humans are selfish people. I would know. I am one
If I were to totally open up, you'd tune out, or not understand, or just go away.
I psychoanalyze other people.
You know who psychologists need their own psychologist too?
If mine is out there, I'd appreciate an appointment sometime in the near future. I'm about to lose it.
posted by Steph at 9:19 PM
I was washing dishes and I dropped and broke a cup.
I'm going back Wednesday morning 10 am for Thanksgiving.
Our dinner is gonna be Chinese style! We'll just have wraps and lots of Chinese dishes and everyone will just make their own thing.
It's gonna be sooo good!
posted by Steph at 11:08 AM
Christy was telling me about her bf's definition of dating was "hanging out with guys."
She mentioned wanting to date other guys to him once, and he gave her permission to "date."
Christy: "I was like 'Thank you master!' According to his definiton, I would be dating everybody!!"
posted by Steph at 12:33 AM
I had two hours of sleep Friday night and practically no food all Saturday. So I slept until 1 pm today. It feels sOoo good.
I've missed my bed. It's soo comfortable.
I ate downstairs at the Dobie Cafeteria for the first time in 4 weeks.
My mom's been sending up Chinese food by the box load, so I just ate at home.
I had American food for the first time in a long time for breakfast.
I drenched a plate sized waffle with syrup and then dusted the whole thing with a layer of powdered sugar. The waffle was so saturated with syrup that when I cut into the waffle with the dull butter knives they have, pale brown liquid streamed out the sides. This was eaten with greasy sausages and a glass of milk.
Yeah. I'm avoiding talking about the competition.
We didn't make it to finals for reasons I'm not gonna bother explaining online, but I know we did a good job. Our presentation was great, and our strategy and ideas creative and stuff. Plus I got a cool suit out of it, so....
I was unpleasantly surprised (to say the least) we didn't make it, and expressively pissed at the reasons why (sorry guys - I'm a bit emotional) But that's not what's important now, I realize.
I'd like to say yeah, joe, you were right. I don't really think I wasted a week and accomplished nothing. I really did learn more from this that my stupid BA class.
I learned a shit load. I mean, after thinking about those strategies and stuff, you even think about things differently. And god knows I needed to presenting experience. And I learned photoshop! so that was cool.
Vicky, Shanna, I really hope we can all work together again. each of you possessed something I admired and wished I had. Vicky's sweetness of nature and idealism about things made me realize how uNsweet and cynical I am. I am so glad I met you. ^_^ It was quite a refreshing change - I'm so used to my own bitterness. Maybe this will tone down my agression ... probably not.
Shanna's professionalism, control and calmness under pressure and how well she took the results (heh.. I dunno If i can ever to that, be sucH a great sport about it, no matter how mature I get.. there will always be the initial anger and frustration after ever loss. I guess I'll just have to win everything from now on. hahaha. j/k) Geez I hope one day I can be that professional and mature about things. You are the ideal business woman.
and Joe, what can I say. Sorry for the earlier blog - I was venting, and even though we argued like crazy and you'll probably avoid me for the next month or so, thanks for giving me the opportunity to do this. I don't regret a moment. Even the frustration (mostly at you - heh) was worth it. You gotta admit, when we weren't bickering (which wasn't much), we worked pretty well, and came out with with a good final product, right?
You guys are where I'd like to be in 2 years. I can't even begin to explain how much I've learned in all aspects of life from this. I also had a lot of fun~ even amidst the stressing and eating and sleeping poorly and anxiety and getting mad at joe, when we did take a break (chinese shaved ice and the 2nd half of forest gump) it was great just hanging out.
And so ends 2002 UT Business Council Competition.
Vicky, Shanna, Joe. It's been great doing business with you ~ ^_^
Thanks for everything!
posted by Steph at 1:31 PM
It's 2:43.
I've been working on the power point presentation.
I am sO slow.. but I'm learning Photoshop! (We made our slides from scratch ... none of that auto design template stuff)
Shanna, Vicky and Joe have been napping for awhile now.
I'm surprisingly awake, and glad to finally feel like I'm really doINg something.
I got my altered suit today.
The competition date draws nearer.
I'm kinda getting anxious now. I hope we are extremely prepared by the time we present Saturday morning.
Hopefully we finish most of it tonight, and can spend most of the day tomorrow practicing.
There was an ABSA meeting tonight, and there will be an ABSA Thanksgiving potluck tomorrow night.
I finished my Philosophy essay (thanks for turning it in Cindy) and Access homework (heh.. thanks for turning it in and helping me out Chris) which are due tomorrow, so now all I have to worry about is the presentation. After Saturday I plan to study like crazy until Thanksgiving.
I can't wait till you come up to visit, wei wei~!
posted by Steph at 12:44 AM
I bought 3 packages of Pepperidge Farm cookies last time I went shopping.
I've had half a pack of Gingerbread cookies.
I see an empty pack of Verona cookies on the living room table.
Shit. I am so angry. I stock up on food for a reason
I hATE IT when I knoW I have something saved up, and then IT"S FUCKING GONE
I find out Sue, my suitemates, eats my shit too.
I don't mind sharing, (ok, maybe just a little bit) I just don't like craving for cookies and FINDING THEM ALL FRIGGIN GONE.
ARGH! Someone please get me some cookies soon.
I'm about to become homicidal.
I am crankiest when I'm hungry.
I am seriously mad right now. I slammed the cabinets and cussed at the top of my lungs.
ugh.. I don't understand.
All the milk and water is gone too.
I'm going out to kill an innocent bystander now.
I'm in the mood for strangulation.
Think it again and I"ll bash your FRIGGIN brains out.
posted by Steph at 3:33 PM
I wanna go to Cali this winter with Zara to see Jenn!
It's so weird now. We're in college.
Sometimes I miss the good 'ol days.
Swimming! ~shopping~ *talking* walking around our neighbourhood at night... Jennifer on a bike, Zara on rollerblades, me on a scooter. Zara learning to ride a bike. (hahaha.. you British people...)
Hey Jennifer! Remember catching frogs that one summer night?! We caught like 30 of them in a big cardboard box! (don't worry.. we put them all back)
Jennifer burping and me rolling my eyes and Zara laughing till she turned pink, like she always does.
Dressing in all those weird clothes for Jennifer's away party...hahaha.
Boy were we stupid and crazy, huh guys?
But It was so much fun....
You guys were the only people I ever had sleepovers with in high school.
Hurry up and come back to Houston for winter break, Jennifer!
We can dO stuff again!
posted by Steph at 9:43 AM
Ah. I just took a shower, cleaned my room, and have settled back in my dorm again. Time to do some work.
After typing on these different keyboards these weekend, I realize how much I like mine.

You're a Martini! Rich and refined, you're smooth and saucy.
You're the butter on the bread, the lube on the hinge, the teflon on the pan.
discover your ALcoHoLiC personality!
What is teflon, anyways?
Ok. I'm reaLLy going to go study now.
posted by Steph at 11:26 PM
Ok. now I am calm.
sorry joe. I didn't mean all the mean things.
thanks for putting up with me too.
thanks vicky for driving me back and forth.
thanks shanna for caring enough to ask me that question monday night. heh.
bleh. i'm so tired.
it's nice to be back in my dorm.
I am so behind in reading and stuff.
I can't wait till this competition is over and I can have a life again.
posted by Steph at 10:36 PM
I have spent the past .. 50 hours with the MOST OBNOXIOUS PERSON IN THE WORLD.
Shanna and Vicky are doing the Finance and Accounting aspect of our case competition, and Joe and I do the marketing, strategy, power point presentation, etc.
Shanna and Vicky are nice and get along.
Joe and I are loud and smart-asses and piss each other off a lot.
Not in a mean way, exactly, but the bickering causes me to go "ARGHHHH!!!!" in frustration a lot and storm out of the room.
Then I go back and we work on the presentation and make these beaUtiful slides again.
It is a vicious cycle. It goes like this:
He does or says one of his weird, quirky idiosyncracies, I get annoyed, I insult him, he insults me, I get mad, I punch him, he howls like a girl, threatens to hurt me in some descriptive, graphic way, I leave the room.
At one point I ran to the room where Shanna and Vicky where working and lock the door, curl up on the floor, and rock back and forth.
Joe comes to fetch me, and we go back to work like civil human beings for the next 10 minutes.
Just now he is yelling:
"Tiao3 Jie3 where did you go?"
"ok" (joe makes stupid monkey noises)
My phone rings. I run back to his room to answer it.
He makes faces while I talk.
I shout in Chinese as I run back out of the room, "I never imagined someone could be sO friggin ugly!"
He pulls out his ears with his hands, bulges out his crossed eyeballs, and sticks out his tongue.
he's nagging again... "tiao3 jie3 .. blah blah ...finish thing.. blah blah"
Sigh. enough blogging.
Back to work I go...
(don't kill me joe. When this competition is over and I once again think of positive things about you.. I'll post them up)
posted by Steph at 8:30 PM
I've been sitting in this chair for four and a half hours now, and realize I need a break and go to the restroom. The business school may be worth millions and have the best computers and furnishings and all, but the bathrooms are sorely lacking. The runny soap trickled through my fingers before I put them together to lather up.
The paper I write on is thicker than the crap they had as toilet paper.
They spend 8000$ a pane for fogging windows things they have on the stocks and finance whatchamacalit rooms, and they can't buy decent toilet paper.
I'll take Charmin's Quilted Double Rolls over the stupid windows any day.
posted by Steph at 9:42 PM
I've been in this blasted computer lab for 4 hours.
I can barely type anymore.
My fingers are freezing (I know this because I randomly press my icy hands on the necks and faces of my team members and Joe, in particular, yelps rather loudly).
I am hungry.
You know you're losing your sanity when you pump your fists in the air and yell "Beautiful! this is beaUtiful!" when you finally find the demographics of UK and US internet users.
Yeah. no one knows what I'm talking about.
posted by Steph at 9:31 PM
Yeah. The BC competition kickoff was this morning.
I had to miss my MIS class.
Joe tells me the suit I wear for our presentation has to be black.
I had just bought and altered a grey suit a month ago. I had to beg my mom to let me buy thaT one.
So I miss PHL and ECO and go to the mall today.
I buy a black suit. And a shirt. And pantyhose. And get it altered.
My parents are going to kill me.
So I wrote them an e-mail
Subject: You're not going to like your credit card statement. But I promise it won't happen again!
To mommy and daddy:
Black Suit&skirt = 250$
Shirt and pantyhose = 50$
Alterations = 70$
Being the only freshman on a team with juniors in the BC Competition and learning more in this one week than I will in a year of the freshman business (BA101 crap)classes?
Please don't kill me.
posted by Steph at 3:09 PM
Christy's lab partner said I could pass for a 4th grader!
Christy: "Nah. She's not short enough"
Him: "Ok. Middle school, then"
Thanks, guys.
posted by Steph at 11:06 PM
Christy is really weird today.
Ahem. I mean, particularly weird today.
She's supposed to be doing her homework:
Christy messing around on her desktop: "lalala. Arrange by date. Arrange by size. Arrange by type"
Me: "Christy! Shouldn't you be doing physics instead of arranging your icons?!"
Christy on floor, swaying around: "I wish I was a genius. I want to be a great musician. Or a mathmatician. Don't you?"
Me (eyes glued to monitor): "No."
Christy: "Don't you love math?"
Me (clacking away on keyboard): "No."
Christy: "Isn't math incredible?"
Me (Turning around to face her): "No. There's a reason I chose not to take math in my life ever again"
Christy: "But don't you find it amazing that you can point to any shape in this room and there would be a mathematical equation for it? The world is completely governed by math!"
Me (resuming typing): "No it's not. It's governed by sex"
later.. trying to speak english...
Christy: "But why you noT.. I mean.. Why would you not.. Why you wouldn't.. Why.. ARGH! I can't speak! Oh. Why woulDN"T you want to be like me?"
Me: "Because you can't speak English"
Christy: "Well, other than the fact that I'm a FOB"
She then starts shaking her head back and forth, pounding on her knees and making "nyeh nyeh nyeh nyeh nyeh" sounds and laughing hysterically.
I tell her this will all be posted on my blog:
"Don't put that on there! People will think I'm an idiot! You never put anything positive! People think I'm stupid and weird! and it's all your fault!"
My fault?
I think not.
posted by Steph at 10:42 PM
Had dinner at Joe's apt. tonight. It was greaT food. (sound familiar?) Yeah. I'm getting spoiled. I hardly eat at the cafeteria at all anymore.
I helped make stuff this time! Mostly just cutting stuff; red, green, yellow bell peppers and wrapping honey ham around marinated shrimp and mushrooms and pineapples and putting them all on skewers that Gene personally made out of chopsticks. Yeah. It was really good. AnD I learned how to wrap sushi! We had unagi (eel). And shrimp etoufee (?). I ate too much while I was making stuff. Joe told me not to, but I snuck food anyways. It was sO good...
Then we played poker for 5 hours.
I really have to do homework tomorrow.
posted by Steph at 12:54 AM
I bought Little Debbie Swiss Cake Rolls. 25% of my daily fat wrapped up in 60 little grams of chocolatey, sugary, cream-filled goodness.
I'm eating one now with milk.
I also bought 3 packs of (pepperidge farm - of course) cookies and honey roasted peanuts.
I figure snacking is the best way to go.
By the end of Thanksgiving, I plan to be less visibly thin.
posted by Steph at 12:20 PM
Had dinner at Shanna's apt. tonight. It was greaT food. yum yum. I had seconds. AnD we brought stuff back! Thank you, Shanna!
After dinner, before I was about to wash some of the dishes, Shanna asked me if a wanted gloves. I laughed at her, and then she asked chris, rebecca and jennifer if they used gloves when washing dishes. They said 'No' in unison. Later I saw her doing the rest of the dishes with gloves on, and I laughed again. It was 'interesting'. hahahaha. (inside joke..)
Another beautiful night. I love this weather.
Lit candle. Will take shower now. I just did all my laundry, so my sheets smell nice and are so comfy. I think I'll curl up in bed and read a book. I haven't done that in so long..
g'night ^_^
posted by Steph at 10:28 PM
She had more stamina than any partner I've ever had before.
It had been several weeks now, and we were now completely in tune with each other's movements.
Beads of sweat ran down her face, slid along her neck, and collected in the hollows of her collarbones.
It had only been 30 minutes, and my pulse was already racing, my chest heaving, and adreneline pumping.
I could barely last the one hour sessions we now met for every Tuesday.
I was thoroughly impressed by how long she could last under such physical duress.
I cocked an eyebrow and told her she looked especially radiant today.
She smiled, and without breaking a beat punched me again.
I had a great kickboxing workout today.
Thanks Brandy ^_^
posted by Steph at 5:21 PM
Moo the MagicCow (6:23:07 PM): hey wanna go eat pizza in the mall
Demona848 (6:23:25 PM): no no. no pizza. i try to avoid it. i ate a bagel an hour ago
Demona848 (6:23:28 PM): it was healthy!
Moo the MagicCow (6:23:31 PM): freak
posted by Steph at 4:27 PM
Cindy and I skipped Philosophy today. Lately we haven't been understanding what he's been saying in class, and end up feeling more lost at the end. We wait till the Friday discussion sessions with our wonderful TA who explains everything... SO we ended up in her room again. And just hung out and talked for the hour. It was nice. haha. I love college so much.
Then, on the way back to my dorm, I was telling myself how I was going to study all day today, when I bump into Zara, who I just haven't seen enough lately. SO I turn back around and walk back to Jester again with her.
We eat at the Einstein Bros. Bagel place, (toasted Honey wheat bagel, cream cheese, sweet onions and smoked salmon.. mmmm.. with fresh squeezed orange juice) It was still ridiculously expensive, but I only indulge in it about once every 2 months, so it was worth it.
Then we just walked down the drag, because she needed a Renaissance dress for the festival in Houston this weekend. She got a pretty, pale blue blouse. I ended up buying a sweater that could've gotten me 10 tank tops in China.
O well. Like I said. Indulgence is good.
I'm in a great mood now. The weather is just beautiful here. I love it soo much. It's been an incredibly pleasant and relaxing day. Thanks guys~
I must study now. I need to catch up.
BC competition starts next Monday, so I plan to get ahead and cram my weekend with things to do, because as of next week I will have no life.
posted by Steph at 3:36 PM
I bought a candle and a stand for it today. It smells nice. I like it a lot. It was a good investment.
(it's not allowed..but i'll be careful.. Shhhh.. don't tell on me, k?)
posted by Steph at 1:17 AM
I woke up this morning at 9:24. Class is at 9:30. I stared at the clock, blinked, spouted some mild profanity at the top of my lungs, yanked some clothes on and ran all the way to class. I hate being late so much! I don't know why I didn't hear my alarm....
but the weather is great! Another beautiful day..
go outside! do something
posted by Steph at 11:37 AM
I was running to the absa meeting and it was SO perfect outside and just cool enough to run and the sun was setting and the sky still pretty blue and I couldn't help but smile. I wanted to do something outside, or go for a walk, or play set (yay!) outside, or someThing.. but no one ever wants to do anything.
Next time there's another great day like this, call me, I will probably stop whatever I'm doing and go outside with you!
posted by Steph at 4:35 PM
I was pawing through my jewelry box the other day and realized none of my rings, even the ones that used to be tight, fit anymore. They slipped on and off so easily I couldn't even wear them. I started freaking out. "Christy! I'm anorexic! What's wrong with me!? Why am I losing so much weight?! AHHHHH"
Then christy and dave started discussing how I had tape worms and looked up hyperthyroidism or something online. She started listing the symptoms:
"is your heart rate irregularly fast? do you have mood swings? rapid weight loss?"
Thanks mommy for the huGe box of food. I plan to eat a lot.
I saw opened the box and asked her (on the phone) why the hECK she cooked so much, and she said "I'm afraid you'll starve to death"
hahahahaha. me too...
posted by Steph at 5:11 PM
I love the sound of poker chips clinking on a glass table. The first ones tossed in as an ante always make the loudest and most crisp sound. As the game progresses and the pot grows, the clattering dulls ever so slightly....
Yes. I admit it.
I have a gambling problem.
I remember during Pro-Grad, (project graduation.. where the rich, bored mothers of the rich, pampered children in our school put together a huge festival-like party at the school the night of graduation to try and get students to go there and not get drunk instead. I think they should spend more time teaching their damn children the difference between right and wrong and less time planning these events to try and bribe them into doing the right thing 18 years later..sheesh)
Anyways. It was pretty fun. And I have to admit, they did a pretty impressive job. It was done with good intentions, after all.
There were tricycles you could ride through the school, prizes, pool tables, karoake, moonwalk, sumo wrestling in these big blow up suits, raffle tickets, etc. You got free money to spend at these different places with the purchase of a 20$ ticket.
I spent 6 hours at the blackjack table.
Other than some raffle tickets at the end, I did nothing else.
It's addicting as hell. You go around until you found a table and dealer you liked (usually the dumbest guy there) and say nothing the whole game, because the guys there are loud enough already. MAn do men get rowdy when they're gambling. So if you're a little girl, and you're quiet.. you can soon learn how each person operates.. How risky they are, how high they're willing to bet.. etc. Then there are some people that are just so damn lucky, and you bet on his cards and win a whole crap load of money. You start off with your 1 dollar white chips. Those soon turn to ten dollar black chips. Those turn to hundred dollar orange chips. Then five hundred dollar gold chips. Every time I got a gold chip I'd place it in my pocket, and play with what I had out. Soon your bets begin to grow in 100 dollar increments. goD I loved the feeling of those gold chips clinking softly in my pocket.
Oh. Back to my gambling problem.
I am convinced Joe is the devil and has gotten me addicted to gambling again.
Shanna, joe, chris & gene, and I played mah-jongg ... I kinda knew the basics, but I've learned a lot of different types of combinations and a little about how you count the points, etc. Then we played some type of poker called 'show hand'.. Holy crap what a great game.
Instead of getting all 5 cards at once, you get one card placed face down in front of you, one card face up. You raise. You add one more card face up. Raise again. You do this until you have 4 cards facing up. You can fold anytime. The point is that people have to speculate what your covered card is, and since you don't know what cards you'll get, the betting in between is a lot riskier, and therefore more exciting. There's more to it, it's just hard to explain online.
But I really enjoyed watching everyone's expressions. I'm all antsy right now. I really want to play again. AHH! this is so bad...
We also watched some Chinese flick "God of Gamblers" where they played this type of poker... great movie.
Anyways, it was fun. We will have to do this again sometime.
Nobody let me ever go to Vegas, k?
posted by Steph at 11:50 AM
ABSA date auction last night.
Thank GOD I didn't have to self-esteem to go up there.
Geezus. The way some of those girls moved... the short skirts... the using-the-guy-as-a-pole-to-increase-the-bid...
It was interesting though. Those girls had more confidence than I've had in the past 18 years combined.
All proceeds went to charity. Average person went for 200$. Some got less than they should've, some more. There was one pret-ty buff guy who benched some girl, and by the end all the girls in the audience were screaming at him to take his shirt off. Even then he only went up to 160, which was pretty sad. I think girls are a lot more easily bid on than guys are.
Man, that guy was buff. I'm usually not that into the 'oo he's hot because he's got muscles' thing, but hey, I'm a girl, and when I'm on an estrogen high, boY do I appreciate it. Chris and Joe made fun of me. blEH on you. I don't necessarily like big muscles though, cause sometimes that's too much. Some definition is nice. What can I say. It's a biological thing. I mean, I listened to the guys I was sitting with whistle and drool over the females all night.
But back to the guy.
I considered using my credit card, then calling my dad and going, "Guess what, Daddy? You just donated 200$ to the Diabetes Association."
But I didn't.
The best part: When this one girl went for 550$. The bid just went back and forth between this one group of guys (her friends, or her organization, I think?) and this other lone, hotshot rich guy. He was sO calm and nonchalant. He didn't yell, didn't stand up, just made the motion of the amount he was bidding with his hands. 250. 300. 350. 400. He upped the bid 50$ at a time. It was great. *sigh* what a guy. hahaha. Anyways, I think you need people like that to make these charity things successful. The crowd went crazy everytime his hand went up. After that the bidding dwindled and wasn't as fun anymore.
I can't say the show was very well put together, though.. and I thought they couldn't chosen some better MCs to facilitate the flow of the whole thing... they just weren't competent enough.. First they'd increase the bid from 60$ to 150$, then for the next one they'd raise it excruciatingly slowly.. 5$ at a time starting from 30$.
Overall, an interesting experience.
We ate chinese food afterwards. It was good.
Today: Football ushering. I woke up late; at 7:10 am..ran downstairs and met everyone at 7:30. We walked to the stadium.. where we were to spend the rest of the morning and afternoon ushering. Whatever that means. I didn't even know what I was doing. I found out you basically just direct people and check for tickets, basically. 10 people from the club ushering the whole game = about 600$ for ABSA.
I spent hours doing this:
::smile:: "May I see your ticket stub? ::nod:: Thank you ::smile::
repeat a hundred gazillion bazillion times. I thought my face was gonna break.
We had a great location though, at the "end zone club", where rich people pay some annual fee to have this tent where they can drink and eat, since they can't drink in the stadium. I mean, geez. I think if you're gonna eat, drink, and watch it on some big screen, why do it next to the field? Just go home. But it was an easy job, and we weRe at the end zone, which means a pretty good view for my first UT football game.
During one break I got to go into the stands, and watched the people around me go crazy as we scored a touchdown. The .. spirit these people have was impressive. I can kinda see how the excitement can build up so easily now. It was pretty cool.
But not thaT cool. It was mostly hot, and noisy, so I left after 2 minutes.
I feel like I sold my soul to ABSA. hahahaha. But I do enjoy it, otherwise I wouldn't do this. I'd be a lazy-ass without a club, anyways. So it's all good.
I'm tired now.
I'm gonna shower and take a nap so I can play mah-jongg tonight.
posted by Steph at 1:44 PM
Well, the test wasn't too bad. I'm glad I still went out and did all that stuff. Worth it.
My knuckles and joints on my right hand are bright pink from kckbxng. I scraped them when punching. I hadn't been back in 4 weeks, and I got too into it, I guess. My calves and back are SO incredibly sore.. Anyone wanna gimmie a massage?
It's 10:40am. I think I'll take a shower and take a nap.
whoo hoo. I love college.
posted by Steph at 8:40 AM
I have a test tomorrow.
I just spent 6 hours shopping and having dinner.
I bought a top for a skirt I already have (just too damn small to find a dress that fits) for the ABSA date auction thing Friday. And NO for the tenth time, I'm not in it, people.. sheesh. I see no reason to publically humiliate myself.
We had lots of fun. We ate at a chinese restaurant too. SO good. Fried shrimp, kong1 xing1 tsai4, tieh2 ban3 niao2 ro4 (beef and onions served on this hot metal plate so it sizzles... if you'd had it before, you know what I'm talking about), and roast duck! yum... Shanna kept laughing at how weird it was that we'd use all these chinese phrases. It's nice though. I need to practice. My mommy and daddy would be proud. hahaha.
Well, I have much to do now. bleh. it was worth it though. Thanks guys!
posted by Steph at 8:44 PM
SilverDragon : (<--- Cindy) hahahahaha....Asian Politics???
SilverDragon : gawd, that seems like such a random course to take XD
Demona848 : asian american famILy politics
SilverDragon : hahahahaha
SilverDragon : it still seems pretty damn random
SilverDragon : I can imagine some fobby professor, telling you guys for an hour why our parents bitch at us to be valedictorians, doctors, engineers, and lawyers XD
Demona848 : sounds great!
Demona848 : ^_^
posted by Steph at 2:39 PM
So. I registered. Fencing was closed. There were 3 classes, with 35 spaces allotted for each. There are 50,000 people on this campus. You'd THINK they have some more classes.. but whatever.
Except for macroeconomics, and BA 102, there was noTHING. I took both my fine arts this semester, got rid of math, english, science, foreign languages, and history. I'll probably take government and speech in summer school. Although I don't know why, I don't have enough to take as it is...
So. Here is my weird schedule for next semester:
29050 TTH 3:30- 5:00P MACROECONOMICS
01440 TH 2:00- 3:30P BA 102
I'm actually interested in nutrition (yes.. nutrition.. if you thought I was bad before, spouting about the evils of saturated fats and protein diets, wait till I'm done with this class! no one will ever eat with me again)
I liked Roman Civilization a lot, and always loved history, especially mythology, so even though I heard the course was pretty hard, I think I'll enjoy it.
I have no idea what Asian American Family Politics or whatever is. Sounds interesting... and it'll fulfill my writing course.
Well, at least I'll definitely be expanding my brain next semester.. but I enjoy not having to take your basic math, science, english.
Bleh. high school was so limited.
posted by Steph at 11:05 AM
I spent an hour in an RV yesterday, listening to some people just a little older than us, who right after, of in the middle of college, just bought an RV, painted it, and when on a road trip across the country. They interviewed people like founder of Starbucks, Michael Dell, the CEO of National Geographic, director of Saturday Night Live, etc. It was interesting how much more open-minded and ... open-minded they seemed .. one guy had came from this tiny little church of Christ college, and was gonna do pre-med, then all of the sudden junior year he got tired of it all and did this. Instead of just learning and memorizing things, they went out to see what these leaders actually did in the real world. not a bad idea.
I had been focusing so much on figuring out my major in Business lately. While I did want to do business and believe I could be good at it, it was also because I couldn't be a doctor, lawyer, or engineer. After I narrowed down my field to business, I had to work on narrowing it down to Finance, accounting, etc. Just listening to these guys made me realize I was turning into what they were trying to get away from. While I still plan to stick to my same path, I learned that you can focus, yet still keep an open mind and be think of things differently than other people, and get more out of it. I dunno. You had to be there, I guess.
The walls of the RV were covered in Sharpie signatures left by all these different people they met. They got Nike to sponsor some of their stuff, all these free Apple 18" flat panels, etc. It was really cool...they have a book coming out, and no idea what to do next. I could never do that, just pick up and leave. I'm too conditioned already, but it was really admirable, what they did. And they seemed so much wiser for it.
posted by Steph at 9:10 AM
i'm taking fencing and classical mythology due to lack of classes to take..
posted by Steph at 11:32 PM
I knew I shouldn't have ordered books from in the middle of the semester. I have SO much to read for my roman civ test thursday, so much stuff to do crammed in the next few days, i'm registering tomorrow for next semester's classes and have no idea what classes to take, and I just spent the last few hours non-productively devouring a 400 page historical fiction novel that will not help me in any of the areas listed above.
I really like my pajama pants, though.
posted by Steph at 11:27 PM
I ate sour spaghetti..
the pasta smelled kinda bad yesterday.. but I ate it anyways.
I ate it again today..and it realLy tasted bad... so I stopped. i told christy not to eat it, cause it might be bad.. and she smelled it, and started exclaiming loudly how bad it was and how i was stupid to have eaten it..
"SMELL the food before you eat it!"
"I did! .. I just didn't know..."
"blah blah.. fungus!!... blah blah sour! .. gone bad!.. I can't believe you ate it!"
bleh. so I feel like crap now.
lesson: smell the food before you eat it.. aND don't eat it if it smells bad...
my tummy hurts...
posted by Steph at 10:30 AM
I. am. so. cold.
I walked out of my room today in jeans, t-shirt, and sandals, and decided to grab a jacket at the last minute. I go outside, and it's freeZing. And rainy.
I was already late, so I didn't want to take another 10 minutes going back.
By the time I walked back from class, my toes felt frostbitten, my hair was wet and cold, and I was hungry.
PooP. I'm gonna go eat now.
posted by Steph at 9:58 AM
oooH! i got new socks. christy gave me these cool black and grey and white striped socks. I've never had non-white socks before! i took off my socks immediately and put the new ones on. yaY.
and we both brought so many cookies and are just doing this exchange every 10 minutes. yum yum
she says she hates me. and pulls out a tin can of pirouette cookies (thin wafer with chocolate... wrapped around cream - they look like cigars).
i got her addicted to pepperidge farm!
this is great. i'll gain the lost weight in no time!
posted by Steph at 9:59 PM
i have a test on thursday and should so be studying... BUT am going kickboxing (starting up again - glad your shoulder's better, brandy!) and watching smallville on tuesday, shopping for a dress on wednesday for the date auction thing (just attenDing) friday, eating sushi on thursday, my refrigerator is SO STOCKED with home cooked food, i'm eating these really rich yummy buttery almond cookies with milk right now, and life is pretty good.
posted by Steph at 9:42 PM
ugh. i'm so full.
I had some great food tonight. After the ABSA volleyball game, we went to an Indonesian restaurant. It was sO gooood. I was surprised how much I liked the deep fried tofu in peanut sauce. Broccoli (I don't get enough veggies) with tofu, skewers of beef in this really good sauce, etc. I've never had Indonesian food before. It was at a pretty good price too. Geez. It's like Sunday night is absa family dinner time... with all the Chinese phrases's great. I enjoy it a lot.
wow. I realize I describe food way too often. but maN I love eating.
I may get really irritated when i'm hungry, but I get so happy when I'm eating good food...
I'm also restocked on cookies.
Pepperidge Farm, of course. Milano, Verona, Chantilly... chocolate chunk... you can't skimp when it comes to cookies. Must go for quality..
Geez. I went back this weekend and weighed myself, and I had actually lost weight at college. What the hell? what happened to freshman 15?! My mom said even my face, which has always been yuan2 yuan2 di4 (round) in proportion to how skinny i am, was thinner. SO... I ate like a maniac. It was great..
Anyone who wants to donate food to me .. just lemme know..
posted by Steph at 7:06 PM
I like and hate cold weather at the same time.
I went shopping.
Besides a few shirts I got online (because that's the only place I can find x-small clothes), most of my shirts and jeans were 3$ and 10$, respectively, and from China.
We ate at Good Eats too.. spinich artichoke dip.. sO good.. wood grilled chicken pasta.
time to eat hwo3 gwo1 now. (Different kinds of yummy stuff ... you place it into boiling pot .. ugh.. too hard to explain. if you don't know what i'm talking about.. i feel sorry for you..and if you ask nicely i might show you what it is sometime)
I got close-toed shoes to go with my suit for business.
I also got something really soft from victoria's secret. (if you ask nicely i might show you what it is sometime)
hahahahaa. just kidding. it's just really comfy pajama set. it's too cold to wear shorts to sleep now.
Thanks wei wei. It was fun.
posted by Steph at 4:24 PM
Back to Houston today.
I filled one of those really tiny tupperware containers (about 2 tablespoons) with crunchy peanut butter.
I will use my fingers and eat it during the car ride.
posted by Steph at 2:13 PM
Halloween was not very Halloweenish. There were parties and stuff, but I didn't have a costume, and really didn't wanna go to 6th Street. I had slept 2 and a half hours the night before and just wasn't in a good mood. Plus I was hungry. And you guys know what happens to me when I get hungry...
I got a call to watch some scary movies, which was cool, but I really, really, really, am a big chicken when it comes to scary stuff.... you have no idea how jumpy and skittish I can be. And I scream a lot.
So I didn't go. I mean, why torture myself? I wouldn't have been able to go anywhere by myself for a week.
Christy was sleeping from like 6pm to 9pm, and I had been messing with my webpage, uploading pictures... and I was getting really bored. I wasn't in a partying mood, and was too cranky too want to hang out with friends and ruin their evening. but I ended up going to eat with two guys that I knoW already see me as me as cranky and their impression of me couldn't get any worse, so I figured it was a safe bet. haha. I managed to drag Christy out of bed to go with me.
I did noT want to stay in my dorm all Halloween night, whether I was really celebrating it or not. As soon as I walked out of my dorm I was glad I was out. Some guy dressed as robin hood with green tights (and even green tennis shoes..), some big girl dressed 70's style that Christy and I thought was a guy, and a bunch of other really weird stuff. It was really cold, and I was amazed by how many girls chose to forego any kind of clothing that would cover them up (and meanwhile keep them warm..) just to show off their skimpy costumes.
We went to go eat at some 24-hour cafe, I had some spinich lasagna which didn't taste as good as it sounded and pecan pie (yay!). So many weird looking people came in. The waiters were all very "kooky" looking. Hahaha. Look, I used the word! Anyways, I'm glad that I got out of the room. Thanks for dinner, guys.
And xie4 xie4 to Christy! hahahaha. ni3 shr4 guh hao3 pong2 yoh3~
oh. and
christine? I wiLL be back this weekend.. so prepare to share some candy.. or else you better hide it while you sleep. I need candy!
posted by Steph at 12:21 PM